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 For more information on reflexology, Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage or to book an appointment please contact me.

07929433558 - or - julia@toe-talbalance.co.uk

Toe-tal Balance - Complementary Therapies in Surrey             

Toe-tal Balance

Relax. Rebalance. Revitalise.

After a Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage, please drink plenty of water and avoid stimulants to further enhance your treatment.

After a Reflexology treatment, the following advice will benefit your treatment:


Most clients will experience feeling more relaxed or rejuvenated. Others may experience the following reactions after the treatment which are part of the body’s natural healing process and should pass within 48 hours:

     Mild tiredness       Thirst       Emotional       Runny nose       The need to visit the lavatory more

Other possible reactions although rarer, are nausea, headache, insomnia, sinus congestion, cramps, diarrhoea, anxiety, mood swings, joint or muscle pain, extreme tiredness, cold or flu-like symptoms or an arthritic flare up.

Whatever reactions are experienced, you should listen to your body and if possible rest if you feel tired, to encourage the self-healing that reflexology helps with. Please remember that people heal at different rates and so it may take a little longer than you think to feel an improvement.