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 For more information on reflexology, Tsuboki Japanese Face Massage or to book an appointment please contact me.

07929433558 - or - julia@toe-talbalance.co.uk

Toe-tal Balance - Complementary Therapies in Surrey             

Toe-tal Balance

Relax. Rebalance. Revitalise.

I abide by the Association’s Code of Practice and Ethics and will be continually developing my skills and knowledge through continued professional development (CPD) each year.

I have completed the following CPD courses to further enhance my knowledge and skills:

I studied at the London School of Reflexology and trained with the principle, Louise Keet, where I achieved an ABC level 3 Diploma in Reflexology.

I am a fully qualified and insured reflexologist and a full member of the Association of Reflexologists which is the professional body for reflexologists in the UK.

 About Julia